Sunday, April 17, 2011

Colloidal Silver 3000 PPM, What is the safe PPM

When it comes down to Colloidal Silver, many ask "what is the safe PPM"
Depending on who you ask, and what they make you will have many answers, and because they are protecting their market share, they will give you information that benefits their product type.
To make a fair analysis many factors must be considered such as:
·         What type of Particle Size?
·         What is the PPM Concentration?
·         How do the Colloidal Chemicals Affect the Safeness of the product?
Particle size:
There are now 3 types of particle size for you to take into account:
   Nanoparticle size which can range form 200 atoms up to 350 atoms or more
Ionic particle which has TWO atoms per particle
  • ·         And the Single Atom size Particle
Ionic particles are made with chemicals, they call it "silver protein" and it is nothing more than some bromide that causes a foamy reaction when tested.

Make no mistake about it, silver proteins are better than silver chlorides, hydroxides, nitrates, or cyanide's, because of the proven unwanted side effects that those chemicals cause.
  • Most would agree that they want to keep their hair as long as possible right?
  • And most would agree that they do not want premature gray hair, correct?
Then why continue consuming chemical colloids that cause those effects? Let alone other problems that can rise up such as nerve damage over continued use chemical colloids.
The Atomic Particle size which is one single ATOM per Particle
Without a doubt the Atomic Size Particle is the smallest particle size in the industry.
The next thing to take into consideration is the PPM Concentration:
While most traditional LOW PPM producers will argue that you do not need such high PPM, and or that you would be crazy to take such High PPM, the truth is that LOW PPM products take a LOT longer to work.
Because Nanoparticles are HUGE when compared to atomic size particles, you will find that nanoparticles will take anywhere from 3 months to 24 months to achieve some kind of effect against the virus or germ that is invading your body.
However, if you review their claims you will find them explaining that the smaller the particle the better it will be in achieving desired results against viruses, bacteria and invading parasites.
In which we whole heatedly agree.  Because in effective particle size there is NOTHING like at atom size silver ( or gold, or any other noble metal)particle and too small to detect with the naked eye, yet it produces a powerful dagger like effect on viruses, bacteria, parasites and even free radicals.
So what you have to figure out is how long do you want to “Waltz” with your viral infirmities.
Producers of LOW PPM products, have had they “hay day” and now a new product has entered the market that Rivals the most established producers of Colloidal Silver and noble metal supplement.
They may ask you: “Why Would you want to take such high PPM, you do not need it” or “it’s the PPM is overkill”
The fact is An ATOM size particle is much more smaller than a nanoparticles and cannot be compared to, because you cannot compare apples with grapes.
The TRUTH is because the particles are so small you would have to consume less colloidal silver.
Couple that with the fact that there are NO chemicals in the manufacturing process
Then the Higher PPM ratio of Atoms……YOU cannot go wrong!
Do silver nanoparticles work? Absolutely!  
The question is how long will they take?
Do Atomic Silver particles work? Yes! Without a doubt!
They will work much more faster than low quality, low PPM nanoparticles.
 So….. not only will the atomic size particles exceed expectations, but you have the most chemical free product in the market, worldwide guaranteed!
 So remember, when the nanoparticles producers state that “you do not need such high PPM” or any other negative comment, understand that they are only protecting their Market Share, and they will do anything to make you believe contrary.
So, you as a buyer have to consider:
Which is the most chemical free product?
Which has the Highest PPM?
which is the smallest particle size?
And most of all "which is the safest to ingest"?