Thursday, June 2, 2011

Colloidal Silver "Feeling worse before Feeling Better" ?

Feeling worse before feeling better:
While many promoters of chemical colloids claim that their products will make you feel worse before you feel better is an absolute truth that cannot be taken lightly.
Because REAL colloidal silver will NEVER make you feel worse before you feel better.
When a supplement is taken, it ingested to relieve symptoms and not make them worse.
The fact that well known and established colloidal silver producers make LOW GRADE inferior colloidal silver that makes you WORSE should make you “run for the hills”.
The reason their products make you “worse before you feel better” is plain and as simple.
The LOW GRADE products do not work because:
1.       The nanoparticles are too large
2.       The Particles are too heavy (Heavy Metals)
3.       They are produced with chemicals
4.       The PPM concentration is extremely close to that which is in Faucet Water 20 PPM.

When you compare the cost of LOW GRADE Colloidal Silver products

A producer of Low Grade Colloidal Silver sells 16 Oz for 49.00 when divide the cost by the PPM you are actually paying $2.45 per particle.

If they could sell 3000 PPM, using their current cost per particle they would sell the 16 oz, 3000 PPM product at about $7,400.00

The colloidal silver Atoms products are less expensive but are High Grade Colloidal Silver Products.

The Qualities of High Grade Colloidal Silver are:

·         3000 PPM or higher
·         Clear as water in appearance
·         The Smallest Particle size achievable
·         Made with NO chemicals before, during or after the production process (you have to remember, it’s the chemicals that give the colloids their color).
Colloidal Silver Atoms have a 100% bio-availability, making them easy for the body to assimilate and dispose of when they are no longer needs or used.

While others claim that 3000 PPM of  silver atoms is just too much silver, they are in fact misinforming the public:

Nanoparticles are not the same as Atomic Particles and therefore the rules that apply to nanoparticles do not apply to atomic size particles, especially when the atomic particles products contain NO chemicals.

Nanoparticles are suspended in the colloidal solution with the help of chemicals, placed in the freezer for a day, the chemicals drop to the bottom of the container along with the nanoparticles.

This proves that the Low Grade Colloidal Silver is made with chemicals and has Heavy Metals that can not stay suspended in the solution by themselves.

Heavy Metals can cause hair loss.

The solution for your anti viral, antibacterial needs is Clearly Colloidal Silver Atoms.