Monday, February 20, 2012

Colloidal Silver Do It Your Self Kits, what you need to know

The Do Your Self Kits that use “Air” as a catalyst actually produce excess amounts of nitrogen in the colloidal silver solution.  Like anything else too much of anything can have adverse side effects.

Here is some brief info on Nitrogen from Wikipedia:

Many industrially important compounds, such as ammonia, nitric acid, organic nitrates (propellants and explosives), and cyanides, contain nitrogen. The extremely strong bond in elemental nitrogen dominates nitrogen chemistry, causing difficulty for both organisms and industry in breaking the bond to convert the N2 into useful compounds, but at the same time causing release of large amounts of often useful energy when the compounds burn, explode, or decay back into nitrogen gas.

Nitrogen occurs in all living organisms, and the nitrogen cycle describes movement of the element from the air into the biosphere and organic compounds, then back into the atmosphere. Synthetically produced nitrates are key ingredients of industrial fertilizers,[1] and key pollutants in causing the eutrophication of water systems. It resides in the chemical structure of almost all neurotransmitters, and is a defining component of alkaloids, biological molecules produced by many organisms. The human body contains about 3% by weight of nitrogen. End of Article.

Everything has to have a balance, while we must say colloidal silver works, we always stress that the less chemicals the better.  Nitrogen when mixed in with stomach acids will create other compounds that may not be beneficial to your health.

The Safest Colloidal Silver in the world is Colloidal Silver 3000 to 15000 PPM by GoldenGevity.

Make your own Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
Dangers of Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver Benefits
Colloidal Silver Generator