Sunday, December 25, 2011

Colloidal Silver Misinformation at Curezone

Curezone Post:
The Myth of Monatomic Colloidal Silver
While there are many forum members (especially on the colloidal silver forums) that are actually representatives of low grade manufacturers of colloidal silver, it must be understood that they are there to strategically protect and represent certain “Friends”, but they go out of their way to try to discredit anyone that has a better product.

These same writers deny that existence of monatomic atoms, while in fact the Hadron Collider has determined their existence, so who is misleading who?

This is what they write at Curezone with my rebuttal to their claims:
“The Myth of Monatomic Colloidal Silver

Monatomic colloidal silver is claimed to be colloidal silver that consists of particles that are single atoms of silver suspended in water. It is further claimed that because the silver particles are so small these products do not exhibit a Tyndall effect and the result is a product that is as clear as water.
The Problem with Monatomic Colloidal Silver

One of the forces in nature is the Van der Waal's force of mutual attraction which is an attractive force exerted between similar atoms and molecules. This force causes identical atoms in close proximity to each other to be drawn together to form a cluster of atoms. Such a cluster of silver atoms is called a silver particle. When the distance separating individual atoms is within a few atomic diameters, the force of mutual attraction that would cause the atoms to be drawn together can exceed 100,000 G-forces. At the atomic level there exists no counter force to prevent the atoms from coming together in a process called aggregation.”
My comments on the above:

AGGREGATION means: the condition of being so collected

“It is the Van der Waal's force of mutual attraction that prevents the existence of colloids whose particles are single atoms. The probability of the existence of monatomic colloids is virtually zero. This statement applies to the claims for monatomic colloids of other metals as well, such as gold, copper, zinc, platinum, palladium, rhodium, etc.  Another Name for Ionic Silver Without exception, laboratory analysis of products claiming to be monatomic colloids have shown that they are in fact ionic solutions. Products claimed to be monatomic colloidal silver are ionic silver solutions, just as products claimed to be monatomic Colloidal Gold are ionic gold solutions and so forth.”

While attacking products that they deny that exist, or much less understand, they do not offer any proof to sustain ANY previous laboratory analysis that has been done since the Hadron Collider has proven them wrong. Instead they continue with misinformation and continue to mislabel Silver Atoms as an Ionic product, yes Ionic products do exist, and yes many are made with chemicals, however Colloidal Silver Atoms and gold products meet and exceed all expectations of being a Colloid and not Ionic.

“Because hundreds of ionic silver products are on the market, how does one product distinguish itself from another? In the business of colloidal silver the answer seems to be the use of technical sounding terms which are not really technical or scientific but sound like they are to the non-technical reader. Monatomic colloidal silver is one such a term. This term is typically explained in impressive sounding detail on the web sites that promote monatomic silver products. This is a marketing term used to hide the truth that what is being sold is an ionic silver solution just like hundreds of others. Virtually all ads for monatomic colloidal silver describe the product as appearing to be clear as water. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of ionic silver. Here for more details on ionic silver.”

The writer of the above statement says: “Because hundreds of ionic silver products are on the market, how does one product distinguish itself from another?”

That’s a good question that deserves a good answer and here it is:
To distinguish good colloids from bad colloids you have look for the obvious:
1. Color, if it has color it has chemicals that is unquestionably proof of chemical content
2. Low PPM 8-500 PPM, means LOW Grade Products
3. Particle Size if they are nanoparticles you can expect to have 3500 to 250,000 atoms per particle which are HUGE, if its a nanoparticle product, they will have a Tyndall Effect, because of the chemicals and particles mass.
There is more silver in normal tap water than in some of their expensive chemical colloids,

But further more answer their question you have to take into account my explanation as to why Atom Size particles are “Clear as Water”.

Colloidal Silver and Noble Metal Atoms do not reflect light.
The conduction electrons in any atomic size metal will start to vibrate longitudinally as a response to the incident EM-radiation i.e. the electrons will move and agitate back and forth, as a reaction to the incident oscillating electrical field. It is this oscillation of conduction electrons that gives rise to the phase shifted reflected light of a conductor. The plasma frequency is that frequency above which the electrons can no longer follow the oscillating incident E-field. This somewhat means that the E field is vibrating much too fast and the electrons will not respond anymore to that motion. If this happens, the E field and the light as well will no longer be reflected but it will pass through the medium.

“The Reality of Monatomic Silver

Monatomic silver cannot actually exist for the reasons described above. Products advertised as monatomic colloidal silver are actually ionic silver solutions. Not all, but many such products have also been found to contain fairly high concentrations of NO3 which means they contain either nitric acid or nitrates. High concentrations of NO3 are present in some products as a by product of the method used to produce them. Neither nitric acid and nitrates are substance you should not be ingesting into your body or applying topically. The lab analysis page shows the NO3 concentration in parts-per-million (ppm) for products which contain NO3.”

This is the kind of science that would deny that the earth is round. The reason for the creation of the Hadron Collider is to confirm the existence of hidden matter, to confirm the existence of individual atoms, monatomic particles and to find the elusive God Particle in which all of the above have been confirmed.

The FDA has published an article explaining that many Colloidal Silver Producers us:
  • Sodium
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Nitric Acid
  • Hydrochloric Acid
  • Phosphates
  • Cyanide
  • Sulfuric Acid
  • Chlorides
  • Bromides (aka Silver Protein)
  1. Sodium combined with Silver, make Silver Chloride, all chlorides cause nerve damage over long term use.
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide combined with Silver creates a solution that contributes to premature graying of the hair.
  3. Hydrochloric acid combined with silver makes Silver Hydroxide that causes the hair to fall out.
That's just a few examples of what Silver Chemical consumption may do to your body.

While the writer attacks ionic silver as being NO3 made, they themselves do not state what chemicals they use to make their horrific looking colloids. And if they do not reveal that on their label you have to ask yourself why, what are they trying to hide?

Colloidal Silver Atoms DEFY All Conventional Nanoparticle Standards of measurements because they are NOT Nanoparticles, Nanoparticle will exhibit a Tyndall effect because they are 3500 atoms to 250,000 times larger, then when they mix in all the chemical soup that they use to make them, of course your are going to have a Tyndall Effect. But are they good for you? NOT HARDLY.

Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver makers worship the Tyndall effect.  They think that its proof of Silver in the solution but they are in error, what they are seeing is mostly chemicals and very, and I repeat very few silver particles, so few that in fact you get almost the same the silver in regular tap water than their products, which is no wonder why they do not work.

The author of the above post fails to explain where they base that information from, why? Simple they want you to understand “part of the information” they do not mention the fact that the people that wrote that are:  Francis S. Kelly and George Maass PhD wrote an article: Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles, you can read their article here:

While most of the writing tries is meant bash the Colloidal Silver Ions, they freely admit that Colloidal Silver Atoms are possible, in the area where it is labeled “Silver Atoms”.
For instance Francis S. Kelly and George Maass PhD wrote an article: Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles, while its very informative their report is done to “protect special interests”.

In an interesting paragraph they wrote:

“Silver atoms

 A single silver atom can be considered to be an atomic sized particle of metallic silver. It is the smallest size of silver matter that exists. The diameter of a single silver atom is 0.288 nm. While it is theoretically possible to have a particle of metallic silver that consists of a single atom, in practice particles are much larger and consist of many atoms. Just for reference, a particle one nanometer in diameter would consist of 31 silver atoms, and a 5 nm diameter particle would be about 3900 atoms while a 20 nm diameter particle would contain about 250,000 silver atoms. The particle size typically observed in colloidal silver has been measured in the range of 5 to 200 nanometers. Such measurements are performed using a Photon Correlation Spectrometer (PCS) that can measure down to 1 nm. In our laboratory a Malvern Zetasizer 3000HS is used to make such measurements.”

Notice the word "In Practice" all they mean is that in THEIR PRACTICE of Colloidal Silver production.

They freely admit that there are no instruments that can measure under 1 nanometer. Therefore they cannot scientifically explain why colloidal silver atoms are not a colloid or colloidal especially when the Hadron Collider has proven them wrong. Because an atom is too small, it is too small to be measured by conventional instruments.

Furthermore, Atoms cannot exhibit the Tyndall’s effect because they are less than one nanometer in size, and atoms do not, and cannot exhibit color.

 So what is a Monatomic Particle?

It is an atom that has the opposite spin of a normal atom, meaning while one atom may be rotating to the right, a monatomic particle would spin to the left, have some very interesting effects that are opposite of a normal atom.

How to do a destructive test to prove silver atom content:

Real simple and its basic chemistry

Warning: Children do not try this experiment without adult supervision, certain chemicals can be hazardous to your health, this test should only be conducted by experienced chemists, proper safety equipment and supplies are required, if you do this experiment you do so at your own risk.
  1. Take 500 ml of Monatomic Colloidal Gold Atoms from:
  3. (Trace Gold 15000 PPM in Distilled water)
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of PURE Salt.
  5. Boil down to about 20 ml, until is moist salt, do not over heat.
  6. Add 500 ml Water and repeat step 3 This time boil down to about 200 ml
  7. Add 500 ml of HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) and boil down to moist salt
  8. Add 500 ml of pure distilled water and boil down to moist salt
  9. Repeat 4 times until there is no HCL smell and no gold chloride color.
  10. Upon the last boil down, there will be found pink or reddish precipitate mixed in with the salt which when fired in extreme heat produced gold beads which also tested for gold.

Do this test to see if you have chemicals in your LOW Grade Colloidal Silver which is 8-500 PPM:

A simple refrigerator test will reveal if your colloidal silver or colloidal gold has chemicals:

 1. Just Freeze it then thaw it out, if it has chemicals the chemicals will bind together with the silver and drop to the bottom of the vessel.

 2. You can leave it in the sun, and the sun’s rays will cause the chemicals and silver to drop to the bottom of the dark amber colored vessel.

3. You can do both, place it in high heat conditions, refrigerate it for a few days then watch how the chemical content drops to the bottom of the glass vessel.

 When the reader does their “Due Diligence” on this matter they will see for themselves the “misinformation” that has been supplied by people with a PhD, in order to protect their product lines.

Colloidal Silver Atom, or Gold or any other noble metal product are the MOST Perfect Products on the market, because of the ZERO chemicals, High GRADE Colloidal Atom size particles, and Highest PPM in the industry which means to you more value for your dollars, and faster health recovery.

Given the fact that the Hadron Collider will be responsible for re-writing physics, it would be best for the writiers of Ions, Atoms and Charged Particles article, to remove it from the public domain.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Colloidal Silver Avoid turning into a Blue Man Smurf

How to avoid Colloidal Silver Chemical Poisoning

The more organic a product is the better for the human body.

To avoid getting chemical poisoning from chemically made colloids, there are Five warning signs on the label to look for:

1.       Avoid Refrigeration or “Refrigeration Not Needed”

2.       Avoid High Heat Conditions

3.       Colloids that have a color to them.

4.       Do not expose to sunlight

5.       Low 8- 20 PPM Products

Chemically made colloids have been reported to cause premature gray hair, or complete hair loss.

Organic colloids have no such problem.

There is one conventional method in which colloidal silver is made with no chemicals, except that the PPM is quite low, and will not render fast results.

Pure colloidal silver or gold, (or any other colloid) should be clear as water.

A simple freezer test can be applied to determine if your colloidal silver has chemical by products:

Simply place the colloidal silver in question in the freezer, let it freeze, after its frozen take it out and let it thaw out.

If the chemicals and silver drop to the bottom, you have a chemically made colloidal silver.

Blue Man Smiles After Hoax!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Colloidal Silver "Feeling worse before Feeling Better" ?

Feeling worse before feeling better:
While many promoters of chemical colloids claim that their products will make you feel worse before you feel better is an absolute truth that cannot be taken lightly.
Because REAL colloidal silver will NEVER make you feel worse before you feel better.
When a supplement is taken, it ingested to relieve symptoms and not make them worse.
The fact that well known and established colloidal silver producers make LOW GRADE inferior colloidal silver that makes you WORSE should make you “run for the hills”.
The reason their products make you “worse before you feel better” is plain and as simple.
The LOW GRADE products do not work because:
1.       The nanoparticles are too large
2.       The Particles are too heavy (Heavy Metals)
3.       They are produced with chemicals
4.       The PPM concentration is extremely close to that which is in Faucet Water 20 PPM.

When you compare the cost of LOW GRADE Colloidal Silver products

A producer of Low Grade Colloidal Silver sells 16 Oz for 49.00 when divide the cost by the PPM you are actually paying $2.45 per particle.

If they could sell 3000 PPM, using their current cost per particle they would sell the 16 oz, 3000 PPM product at about $7,400.00

The colloidal silver Atoms products are less expensive but are High Grade Colloidal Silver Products.

The Qualities of High Grade Colloidal Silver are:

·         3000 PPM or higher
·         Clear as water in appearance
·         The Smallest Particle size achievable
·         Made with NO chemicals before, during or after the production process (you have to remember, it’s the chemicals that give the colloids their color).
Colloidal Silver Atoms have a 100% bio-availability, making them easy for the body to assimilate and dispose of when they are no longer needs or used.

While others claim that 3000 PPM of  silver atoms is just too much silver, they are in fact misinforming the public:

Nanoparticles are not the same as Atomic Particles and therefore the rules that apply to nanoparticles do not apply to atomic size particles, especially when the atomic particles products contain NO chemicals.

Nanoparticles are suspended in the colloidal solution with the help of chemicals, placed in the freezer for a day, the chemicals drop to the bottom of the container along with the nanoparticles.

This proves that the Low Grade Colloidal Silver is made with chemicals and has Heavy Metals that can not stay suspended in the solution by themselves.

Heavy Metals can cause hair loss.

The solution for your anti viral, antibacterial needs is Clearly Colloidal Silver Atoms.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Colloidal Silver & Gold Trace Minerals for Health

Noble Metals are the key to a long and healthy life. Scientists in Japan did studies on antioxidants; they concluded that what was at the core of those wonderful foods that are high on antioxidants and are nothing less than trace noble metals: Gold, Iridium, Platinum, Rhodium, Palladium and Ruthenium.
Due to the fact that farming, harvesting and food consumption for the last 3000 years has depleted Trace Noble Metals or at least minimized them to a level where our bodies are deficient of Trace Noble Metals.
You have to remember that our bodies contain almost every element on earth in some degree or fashion.
Having a deficiency in any of them could cause adverse side effects and make the human body prone to sickness disease and even deadly cancers.
For example: Bristol Myers Squib announced in the early 1980’s that iridium and ruthenium are cancer fighting elements.
Well that’s great but how can that help the average person that is suffering from cancer? How can they eat a noble metal that is indigestible?
Thirty some odd years later, a company produces the means whereby noble metals can be reduced to Trace Minerals that can actually be absorbed by the human body as a Trace Nutrients that can actually produce extremely powerful results.
Now you can actually buy colloidal gold atoms, even more than that, you can actually have colloidal iridium, ruthenium and rhodium, the world’s most powerful antioxidants in a Trace Mineral form.
The unique thing about this form of antioxidants is that they are not produced with any chemicals, rending a product that only contains distilled water and the trace element.

Colloidal Iridium and Ruthenium is a powerful blend of the two noble metals, and has had extremely life changing attributes. When ingested, persons that had cancer, actually reported that they had NO nausea, and felt perfectly well, even after chemotherapy. So far every person that was supposed to be terminal have survived even 6 years later.
Another wonderful element that must be considered is Silver:
Silver has been used as an anti viral, and anti bacteria fighting agent since 3000 years ago. There is sufficient evidence that our ancestors used silver to neutralize bacteria from water that was retrieved from rivers and wells. Archeologists have unearthed the Baghdad Battery, and well as silver and gold plated utensils from the time of the pharaohs.
Silver has been documented to be used as a germ and bacteria fighting products in medical journals that date back as early as 1914.
Due to the advancement in modern medicine, silver was abandoned in 1940 to make room for new products such as penicillin, and other antibiotics that were PATENTABLE.
Due to heavy use of antibiotics, many strains of viruses and bacteria have become immune and resistant to the antibiotics that were once extremely popular.
The new strains of viruses and bacteria have mutated and require a higher strength antibiotics that do not exist.
What has worked in the past has, and always will is: SILVER
Silver has been achieved some degree of success as Nanoparticle size, colloidal silver.
Nanoparticle colloidal silver is a Low PPM (Parts Per Million) product that usually has a range of 8 to 20 PPM., and its usually made with some kind of chemical catalyst.
However, due to modern technology, a new form of colloidal silver has emerged known as Colloidal Silver Atoms. It comes in 3000 to 15000 PPM, and is not made with any chemicals.
The smaller the particle of any antibiotic the better it will achieve its results in annihilating dangerous viruses and bacteria.
Viruses and bacteria have to be dealt with at the “atomic” level and not the nanoparticles level because the particle size for nanoparticles can exceed 200 atoms per particle and the human body cannot assimilate it properly.
A single atom will penetrate into the heart of a free radicals, virus or bacteria very effectively, much more than a nanoparticle.
When you have 3000 PPM of atomic size particles constantly pound away at viruses and bacteria, the recovery from a disease can be quite rapid. When compared to nanoparticles you have NO toxic chemical consumption, because the colloidal silver atoms are “Chemical Free”.
Gold is a powerful conductor of electrical current as well as Nerve Energy, when assimilated it attaches its self to the nerves in the body as well as in the brain, sending better nerve signals.
The human body knows how to heal its self, but when it is out of “whack” due to it being fed the wrong kinds of foods or nutrients, it will not work the same to defend its self from sickness and disease. However, Gold will help boost the signal from the brain to the human body that instructs it to heal its self, and much more than that.
Gold has been used to treat Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer.
What if you could actually extend your life a few years?
Is it worth looking into?
Colloidal Noble Metal Trace Minerals is the key to a long and healthy life

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Colloidal Silver 3000 PPM, What is the safe PPM

When it comes down to Colloidal Silver, many ask "what is the safe PPM"
Depending on who you ask, and what they make you will have many answers, and because they are protecting their market share, they will give you information that benefits their product type.
To make a fair analysis many factors must be considered such as:
·         What type of Particle Size?
·         What is the PPM Concentration?
·         How do the Colloidal Chemicals Affect the Safeness of the product?
Particle size:
There are now 3 types of particle size for you to take into account:
   Nanoparticle size which can range form 200 atoms up to 350 atoms or more
Ionic particle which has TWO atoms per particle
  • ·         And the Single Atom size Particle
Ionic particles are made with chemicals, they call it "silver protein" and it is nothing more than some bromide that causes a foamy reaction when tested.

Make no mistake about it, silver proteins are better than silver chlorides, hydroxides, nitrates, or cyanide's, because of the proven unwanted side effects that those chemicals cause.
  • Most would agree that they want to keep their hair as long as possible right?
  • And most would agree that they do not want premature gray hair, correct?
Then why continue consuming chemical colloids that cause those effects? Let alone other problems that can rise up such as nerve damage over continued use chemical colloids.
The Atomic Particle size which is one single ATOM per Particle
Without a doubt the Atomic Size Particle is the smallest particle size in the industry.
The next thing to take into consideration is the PPM Concentration:
While most traditional LOW PPM producers will argue that you do not need such high PPM, and or that you would be crazy to take such High PPM, the truth is that LOW PPM products take a LOT longer to work.
Because Nanoparticles are HUGE when compared to atomic size particles, you will find that nanoparticles will take anywhere from 3 months to 24 months to achieve some kind of effect against the virus or germ that is invading your body.
However, if you review their claims you will find them explaining that the smaller the particle the better it will be in achieving desired results against viruses, bacteria and invading parasites.
In which we whole heatedly agree.  Because in effective particle size there is NOTHING like at atom size silver ( or gold, or any other noble metal)particle and too small to detect with the naked eye, yet it produces a powerful dagger like effect on viruses, bacteria, parasites and even free radicals.
So what you have to figure out is how long do you want to “Waltz” with your viral infirmities.
Producers of LOW PPM products, have had they “hay day” and now a new product has entered the market that Rivals the most established producers of Colloidal Silver and noble metal supplement.
They may ask you: “Why Would you want to take such high PPM, you do not need it” or “it’s the PPM is overkill”
The fact is An ATOM size particle is much more smaller than a nanoparticles and cannot be compared to, because you cannot compare apples with grapes.
The TRUTH is because the particles are so small you would have to consume less colloidal silver.
Couple that with the fact that there are NO chemicals in the manufacturing process
Then the Higher PPM ratio of Atoms……YOU cannot go wrong!
Do silver nanoparticles work? Absolutely!  
The question is how long will they take?
Do Atomic Silver particles work? Yes! Without a doubt!
They will work much more faster than low quality, low PPM nanoparticles.
 So….. not only will the atomic size particles exceed expectations, but you have the most chemical free product in the market, worldwide guaranteed!
 So remember, when the nanoparticles producers state that “you do not need such high PPM” or any other negative comment, understand that they are only protecting their Market Share, and they will do anything to make you believe contrary.
So, you as a buyer have to consider:
Which is the most chemical free product?
Which has the Highest PPM?
which is the smallest particle size?
And most of all "which is the safest to ingest"?