You see it, you hear about time after time: Viruses that become immune to modern day vaccines.
In this video you will see the history of viral attacks on humanity, where populations have been wiped out, some well over 75 million, in a single strike.
Stubborn viruses have to be dealt with at the atomic level: What this means to you is that only atomic size particles will work.
Most traditional medicines have been made in Nanoparticle size, meaning that the particle size will range from 3900 atoms to 250,000 atoms, and because of their huge size that they have a hard time penetrating into the invading viruses or bacteria.
The clear answer is Colloidal Silver atoms from 3000 to 15000 PPM.
These are atomic size particles that can penetrate into the heart of an invading virus or bacteria, and even parasites.
Silver has been used as early as the time of the pharaohs, and maybe even longer than that, our ancestors new of the value of silver to fight off parasites and microbes that were in the water that they drew from rivers, and wells.
Silver has been documented in medicinal books and journals as early as 1914. However, it was abandoned and forgotten about in the early 1940’s because new “patentable” antibiotics that were created.
This antibiotics have until recently worked, now modern pharmacology has realized that the viruses have developed immunity to their lab created antibiotics in which many are just other viruses engineered to kill other viruses and bacteria. It’s the “Fight fire with Fire” philosophy.
So modern pharmacologists have a problem: How do you deal with viruses that are immune to vaccines?
What has been time proven and tested is Silver.
Silver is one God’s gift to man for such a time as this.
Stubborn viruses, bacteria, and parasites must be dealt with atomic size particles, the 70 year old method of delivery medication that has nanoparticle size antibiotics is failing.
Because viruses and bacteria are becoming immune to the old antibiotics, studies have to be done on how to create efficient anti viral and antibacterial drugs.
Better yet: Use what has been used for over 3000 years i.e., SILVER.
Check out these other videos on how Silver atoms kill parasites, and fungus.
This video demos colloidal silver atoms, destroying mosquito larvae, which proves that parasites can be killed with the right particle size of colloidal silver.
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